What Does My Religion Say?

Keeping aside all the dogmatism and pessimism, the one thing that the heart has been yearning to say is what’s the basis of all this? Where does God reside? What is it being religious, or spiritual, for that matter? 

Considering the amount of propagation that has been doing the rounds, leading to debates and discussions eventually, does this thought not appear ever that is this the right time to channelise our time and energy in such matters? Doesn’t this sound tad trivial, for even out of context for that matter? Or is it just me being an overthinker and an impulsive soul?

If that latter holds true, then what do we have to say about all those teachings that were being imparted by early boyhood, revolving around being of service to the poor and needy, rather than arranging for a grand fiesta for the deity, or observing innumerable fasts? Saints have been saying that Lord Shiva is more pleased when a needy son of his is being fed, rather than prostrating before him in temples. 

Just post the Bhoomi Pujan at Ayodhya yesterday, while listening to a news show by ace journalist Rajdeep Sardesai, he mentioned that PM Modi concluded his speech mentioning about modern values, where Mr. Sardesai made an interesting observation. He quoted the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi and said that he had stressed on the need of values more than anything else. Sardesai also stressed on those lines, mentioning that the modern scenario must be composed of values, and those values must encircle around people being proactive in coming to the aid of the minorities, and thus striving to help them in every possible way of their sorrows. 

Now, this really got me thinking. On a serious note, does God not reside in us? Is he not there in the form of my parents, cousins, friends and cats? How, then, are these Gods any different than the ones residing in the giant sanctum sanctorum? Where does the difference lie?

Does it lie in our thinking, and the way we perceive things? At this point in time, should we shy away from saying that, perhaps unknowingly, narrowness has crept into our minds? Are we even aware of it? If we are, then what are we doing about it? Or are we even doing enough to ensure that the narrowness doesn’t percolate deep down inside? 

The blog began by asking about what my religion says. In this regard, I’d state that I find myself to be one of those fortunate souls that belongs to a secular nation, one that lets people practice and preach whatever religious practices they wish to enlighten themselves with. Going by the same lines I’d say that my religion is solely and completely comprised of love, and till this very hour it believes that the soul and the Almighty get more pleased when the hungry are being fed, and the demands of the needy are being addressed to. This is one sole truth that it wishes to cling onto, and I don’t disagree...


  1. It’s so simple yet most don’t get it. Selfishness overrides all morals. Self preservation is the new religion. It is the a layer people have cast upon their inherited religion. Good introspection.

  2. Hey, thanks a lot for the kind words.


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