Virtual Visiting Cards, What's Next?

At a time, when the pandemic has literally coaxed us to reshape our way of thinking, by redefining and relooking at the ways in which most of our lives encircled around so far, its probable that new disruptions are a knock away. Consider conducting interviews, online classes or things, and inductions on virtual platforms. It’s at this time that another feather gets added to the hat, in the form of a virtual card introduced by Google. 

This virtual card , or colloquially called as the ‘People’s card’ allows people to create a virtual portfolio, comprising their names, profession, email coordinates, and also stretching across to the links to one’s social media creds. What happens via this new avatar is that while someone tries searching for someone in particular, the latter gets accessible through a mere search on Google, in a form that’s much appealing before the eyes, and the searcher can also gain clarity on the nature of work and the industry that the person belongs to. 

This is how my virtual card looks like

In many of my previous articles, I had made a mention of how technology has been acting as the game changer for one and all, and one can never say, perhaps, this pandemic itself can pave the way for more such breathtaking disruptions. Had these changes happened, say a year back, as an alternative, and an answer, I’d have cited the example of digital twins. It’s a no brainer to state that these days, we have news anchors powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) reaching out to us live from news studios. There are digital twins that have been acting as a proxy to humans, as and when needed. 

What, then, is the need of the hour? What more can be expected from the tech domain? One discovery that’s pretty much capable of shattering our existential beliefs, that are almost on the verge of rotting? 

The answer lies in dime a dozen such discoveries, rather innovations, to be absolutely and politically correct. This holds true, especially at a time when android phones are gaining momentum on the grounds of becoming earthquake detectors. Courtesy: Google. 

Thinking on analytical lines, there is one more question that pops up. While the world shall be seeing a plethora of inventions, innovations and happenings in the space, there might be a slight challenge in dealing with the emotional capability of a human, vis a vis a machine, yet these days, researchers have been working on developing similar prototypes, and the capability of a machine to act and think like a human, exactly per se, shall indeed be a notable achievement. 


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