Define Monotonous

As I start writing this, it reminds me of childhood subjects that we’d often be zeroing on and labelling as ‘favourites. Hearing which most of our classmates would express their exasperation, and vice versa for me. Usually, in most cases, I’d be counting on English and Political Science, and would gladly reside there; where others would mostly be pointing towards Mathematics. 

Their tryst with Mathematics (which’d always be a phobia to me), was one worth noting, especially because of the nomenclature being used. Mathemagic. As hideous as that sounds, but the ones coining the same would, of course, be looking the other direction, perhaps sensing pessimism, as would be applying in cases like myself. And, I’d safely want to give Mathematics the ‘monotonous’ ‘boring’, and ‘scary’ tag. 

Those days when I’d be expressing my displeasure over Maths, my friends would often retort stating that Maths was anything but boring and that it was English and Politics Science that did sound like a tough nut to crack. We’d argue over countess sessions, explaining how and why could Maths be qualifying as an interesting subject when they’d be solving Quadratic and Simultaneous Equations, and tell me as to how very interesting that did sound like. 

And I’d pretend to drool, also try hard to like the subject, but not which much success. What remained was pessimism and phobia towards the subject, definitely coupled with monotony, some of which I can even feel as I am penning this down. This further gets me to the concept of boredom and monotony, which are quite relative in the truest sense, and that it varies, and also mutates sometimes. What might come off as boring to me, could sound extremely interesting to the other person, and the list goes on. 

Thus, arises one more question. Who decides what’s monotonous, and how to come out of the same? Or, in reality, is there a need to come out at all? Who could say? Gradually into this process, do we actually realise that poor ‘monotony’ often bears the brunt of it, without being actually involved in itself, when it’s actually individualistic opinions that classify things, both tangible and intangible as interesting or boring? 

To sum up, what really does sound like monotony to me, might not appear the same to the other. If a doubt still persists, maybe we should try asking for the definition of monotonous, only to discover that the concept is relative again. 

Image courtesy: Freepik


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