Keep Walking

Hello, my dear readers, how are you? I know many of you would be annoyed with the fact that I have missed writing for the last three weeks, and of course, you must. Honestly speaking, I was down with a fever, and could not get myself together to write stuff. Truth to be told, tensions have been too many and somehow I kind of let that invade my personal space. 

 I recently watched a video on Instagram that said there will be times when everything in our lives will go south, and we wouldn’t have anything going our way. Something similar happened to me as well, in fact, it is still happening, but as a student of spirituality, I have decided to keep moving forward and not complain. 

Do our scriptures not tell us the same thing? Do they not tell us to keep performing our tasks without hoping for anything in return, and just drop down our fears? Guess that is what we have to incorporate into our lives. I also watched another video recently where the speaker says that if any of us are having a hard time, then we just have to keep our calm, relax and realise that the sun always comes out after a storm. 

If you are reading this and can relate, you would obviously agree that there aren’t too many people out there who can actually understand what you are going through, but then again your life is your own responsibility and there is nobody else out there that can fix you expect for yourself, so you’ve got to heal anyway, come on you owe yourself that much. 

As I just mentioned earlier in the blog no matter what I will never complain and take up life as is, this time I choose to keep walking, despite all the setbacks, all failures and mockeries. You know what just for this time I want to see what lies on the other side of the horizon, can things really get far worse than what it is already? 

Perhaps not, I don’t know whether I must say that the grass is always greener on the other side, but as of now I have decided to keep walking, and not stop until I win, and believe me I will, and so will all of you. As they say, “Tough times do not last, tough people do.” And, here we are all tough people who will outshine others in every possible way, for we are different, we do not follow the herd, we dare to dream of the impossible and we never give up, never ever.

We believe in ourselves, and act as if it is impossible for any of us to fail. In a nutshell, we are choosing to keep walking, we believe in ourselves, and we will achieve what is ours, and someday as my dear Earl Nightingale says, we will be standing in our own acres of diamonds, which have been constructed by none other than ourselves.

Image courtesy: Pexels


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