
Hey there all, how are you? Hope y’all had an excellent start to the week. I did too, and for today’s blog, I will share something worth learning and pondering as well. I came across this beautiful anecdote of a woman who at some point in her life had been appointed by her employer to develop a book that would help reach out to their prospective customers. 

Some among them would talk about their history, what strategies they had used to be in business, how they started, how many clients they had onboarded and lots of other stuff. So, this woman saw this as a great opportunity and designed the most unique book ever, and within no time it had gained the likes of many customers. Soon she had earned the trust of many customers and also that of her employer. 

Seems like she was quite entrepreneurial in herself, as her creative bones didn't stop functioning and she decided to design a similar campaign to help out her son get employed in a reputed organisation who had just gotten employment. So, she started designing the book with her son’s degrees, his achievements, and the like, and she would make it a point to send her son to the library every day to gather knowledge, and also talk to the competitors of the prospective employer he was seeking employment with. 

Gradually, the son became so very knowledgeable about the field, as in what was required, how it had to be done, etc., that soon he went to his prospective employer, talked to him about his ideas, explained how his position could be beneficial and later walked out as an employee who would start at an executive position and not a position that starts from the bottom. 

Now, what led the son to his employment was definitely his vigour and persistence, but a huge chunk of it was possible because of his mother and her imagination. His mother had this imagination and this far-sightedness that she could use her creativity in such a way that could help get her son employment and that is what exactly happened. 

If you consider spirituality too, you will see that it is not every day that you will end up feeling good and positive from within, but I feel as spiritual seekers it is our responsibility to tickle our imaginary bones and understand that we must always be striving to create a positive world for ourselves. 

And, that will happen for sure, we just have to keep on doing our part, and the rest of it will fall in place sooner or later. Remember, Christianity was also founded in the minds of a person who once decided to change the fate of mankind, and he did! As I am proceeding towards the conclusion I wish to say that we can also choose our imagination and sooner or later too will become a living reality. 

Image courtesy: Pexels


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