Showcasing A Stack Of Proof Of My Achievements

Hello there, my dear readers, how has this week been treating you so far? Well, it has been okay for me till now, meaning I have been striving to make sure that things are okay, basically just not letting external factors, environment, or the opinion of others disturb my thought process. 

I have noticed this, or maybe this is a universal rule that almost everyone around you, except for maybe your loved ones would try to bring you down at one point or the other. It feels sad, depressing and really disheartening that anyone would even think of hurting you, but unfortunately, that’s the truth. 

And, when you do not have the option of giving up you just have to keep hanging and make sure that you do not lose yourself in the process. I have been trying to keep up with this mindset for the past few days and in this process, I have noticed that I have become an entirely different person. 

A person who might be described as one “with an attitude”, one who doesn’t stop and wave at people, one who isn’t afraid to walk out of useless gatherings, and so forth. Believe me, it pains me to embrace this kind of personality. I feel so mean and petty in my own eyes, but seems like there isn’t any more option left in front of my eyes. 

Also, it would be wise enough to mention that all my achievements in life have been because I had become this new person. That is to say that till the time I became this person, I wasn’t even taken seriously. No, I am never in favour of being exploited by people, but unless I portray toughness around me, I am literally paving the ground for people to come and attack me. 

Sad and shocking, but true. But, you know what? I believe in myself and my own capabilities, and I have tremendous faith in myself, one that cannot be shaken under any circumstances, and I know and have deeply engraved in myself that I can do no wrong. 

You know the other day I heard a person say that it’s easy to just normally say that I am capable of this and that and just plainly through around big words, but what will make my statement valid is if I can have a stack of proof that is in alignment with my statements. In my case, I can say that my actions have been in accordance with my goals. 

In my head I was always crystal clear that I have to achieve certain things and had also set ambitious goals, but knew very well that everything would be nullified had I not followed up with actions. And, I did. I could say that the universe has been extremely kind and giving and I do actually have a stack of proof to showcase my achievements. 

Do I still feel weird about how differently I have to behave with people? Yes, absolutely. But, I have noticed that it’s only after adopting this new way of leading my life that have I been successful. As Shri Krishna tells us in the Bhagavad Gita that as individuals and human beings, we gotta do our duty, even if that means sacrificing our original nature.

Image courtesy: Pexels


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