Diary of a Lazy Chap

Being lazy is a virtue, and has its own perks. A lazy individual is quite oblivious to the world, nothing really seems to bother much. While the next door neighbour is the talk of the town, this person is completely unaware of. He prefers to cling to his bed instead.

Now, this is an unfavourable situation to this fellow. It’s past 11.30 by the watch, he is jostling hard between his logical and illogical side. The logical side tells him to get up and fetch that bottle of water, while his illogical part stills convinces him to cling on to his pillow.

Oh! what a dilemma this is. And this is just so hard to dominate the insatiable thirst.
Okay, here’s an idea. The bottle is lying at a stone throw distance and is toward the leg side. Maybe, then the right leg maybe used to fetch the bottle. His man has been a footballer during his college day and thus could anticipate his correct move and there the bottle landed in front of eyes. Whoa! What a relief. Indeed, why not!

So, the initial hurdle seems to be over as of now. Um, the delicious aroma of hot and tempting paranthas! Weekends are supposed to be cheat days. Aren’t they? Oh yes, for cert. Sweet…

Does that mean getting up from the bed? Seriously? And also brushing the teeth? O no! Hell again? Wait, mom has always responded to her generous bones. She would definitely hand the plateful of yummy paranthas to the bed, won’t she? Oh ya, for sure, why not!

Hush, here she comes. She tries some gesturing with her hands, saying something. Something like this…” You won’t get a morsel of food, unless you brush!”
Holy lord, why? Does that mean getting up from the bed? How far is the wash basin from the bed? Does it really require getting up? Like really? Seriously?

Nobody on earth understands a lazy person. Nobody! Similarly, no one on earth can decipher what pain it takes to make that extra effort to get up from bed...


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