'The Answer my Friend is Blowin in the Wind!'

Hey Steve,

Something inside me says that you would want me to address you by your first name, and not something fancy like Mr. Jobs or Mr. CEO. I have tremendously strived to be as formal as possible with people of your stature (in my mental space of course), but with you, the exercise seemed futile.

I can’t recall exactly when I drew so close to you, but I did really. Maybe that is why this year, I ruled out the idea of taking a so-called ‘New Year Resolution’. And, chose to end 2018 writing out to you instead.

In our first tete-a-tete, you asked me to ‘Think Differently’. Possibly, that is why and when I started sympathising with the hippies, or did not react aggressively under unfavourable situations. How could I let you down? ...

Courtesy: DIY Genius

You also told me a couple of times to ‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish’, and believe me Steve, I left no stone unturned for the same. I sought refuge in many international publications, met industry leaders all across the globe, mulling over the thought of becoming a knowledgeable person soon. And, all of this bearing the ‘foolish’ tag in mind.

But, here’s where I am actually stuck! I deciphered the fact, long time back that I am crazy, in fact crazy enough… But 'To change the world'? Oh, yes! Till this time I thought so! But, could you tell me how could I change the world, when till today a couple is publicly thrashed, and lynched while they hugged each other in a metro? Or, a middle aged son left his aged mom back home, sans adequate food and water, and travelled for a holiday? 

Wait! There's more! Ah! Yes. Could you tell me how could I perhaps put an end to continuous bulling and mockery?

Let me give you an anecdote. My friend from Bengaluru is an incredibly talented model, and also a marketing guy with a big brand. He was doing phenomenally well for himself. Suddenly, during his appraisal he is informed, that he is devoid of hike this year. His boss told him, “Well, the Management has a problem with your sexual preferences...” 

Misogyny plays a pivotal role too. Every other day, I get to hear comments like, “Girls age fast, they should be married by 25.” Sometimes, “Oh! Why difference would you bring to this world by studying so hard? End of the day, you would be married only!”

And so forth. Steve, could you create magic once again, like you did with the iPod once, a product that redefined music altogether! Could you perhaps, design a product that could help eradicate narrowness of the human brain?

Let’s end it with your favourite line from Bob Dylan, “The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind…”

Happy New Year Steve! Here's to a grand 2K19!


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