Should You Be Relevant or Consistent?
When I first started writing for my blog, some of my seniors and people that I really respected, told me to follow a few influencers on Instagram. And I did. From various genres like fashion, beauty, lifestyle, tech and auto. Though there was a vast diversity in their content, yet there was one common factor underlying within. Consistency.
I would see that most influencers would add at least one post a day, and 3 or 5 stories. Their posts would range from something as basic as posting about a 'cutting chai' or any random quote they found attractive that morning. That alone would fetch them around a lakh likes and a plethora of comments!
I used to be awed by it always. Also it kind of generated a feeling of victory, achievement and glory.
Now coming to the point of being and staying relevant. To be honest, I never really understood what being relevant means. Does that mean staying in tune with the trends in the industry? Like when we were kids, bell bottomed pants were in vogue. Everyone everywhere used to don a pair of bell bottomed jeans. So, if I was a writer back then, would I be writing about how classy and trendy these pants were, or would I be writing about jeans as a whole?
Considered today's fashion trend that presently glorifies on 'Boiler Suits' and 'Bucket Hats', would I be considered a disaster of I wrote about skinny jeans? Or let's talk about the writing styles now. These days, we writers have to abide by certain SEO laid standards, like each paragraph must be only 50 words and that a sentence ideally shouldn't have more than 20 words. But what about international publications like Washington Post and New York Times?
Their paragraphs are more than 50 words and the sentences are quite long, coupled with bombastic English? How are they managing to stay relevant then?
It's a little uncanny, but I feel we are relevant all the time. Just that it has to be implemented and executed properly.
Well, that can be worked upon for sure.
Image courtesy: Pinterest
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