Where Does The Word 'Migrant' Come From?

Where does the word 'migrant' come from? This is a reminder of early Biology classes we were taught about migratory birds; those that used to come from Siberia or other colder parts of the world like Greenland and Antarctica, to the torrid and the temperate zones, where climate would be favourable to them. That was the be all and end all of 'migrant' and 'migratory' in my life; up until now when migrant labours have been making headlines. 

And unfortunately, times now unfold several tragedies concerning the same. Yet, have you ever wondered why do we refer to them as 'migrant'? Honesty, this carries a sense of derogation. Majorly during to the fact that you are calling people labourers in the first place, and as a matter of fact, we all put in labour somehow or the other. I put in 8.5 hours of hard work in my professional organisation. There are people working more than 15 hours a day on a particular product idea. And, some spend sleepless nights behind their dreams...

So, why do you put the sole responsibility of being labourers only on the unskilled class? Isn't it compromising on the self-esteem, is it not demeaning?

Numerous scrolls on social media and surfing news channels highlight several happenings from the daily happenings of these people. The latest one being a migrant worker in Rajasthan stealing his cycle to go to UP, to meet his diabled son, and the one who leaves an apology letter behind talking about his helpless situation.

What's happening now is having to revisit the vocabulary, in order to describe the melancholic affairs of these innocent souls. I couldn't come across any word that would bring in some peace, or put up a smile on their distressed faces. The least we could do is treat people with respect and understand the real essence of dignity of labour. If we say that we are having to battle testing times, then everyday is like an acid test for these people. They are sans safety, security and assurance. And, a consolation that everything would be fine soon. 

I belong to a country that has embedded in me the concept of 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam', the literal translation of which is that the whole world is my family. In Kerala, migrant workers are referred to as 'guest workers'. Think of those times when everytime there is a malfunction in your washroom, it's that plumber, a migrant worker that you dial. When you get exhausted hustling throughout the day, and realise you are out of groceries and food, it's that migrant labour that gets you food and groceries. Those that came to a city to earn their livelihood, and yet we are ignorant of their existence. Probably because we love to be and live in denial, amid our hypocrtical countenances.

I guess it's time that we actually live up to the concept of 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam', and this can only be achieved if we get to be inclusive, shunning our hefty egos aside. 

Image courtesy: News18.com


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