Chasing The Ephemeral...
While the fact that ephemeral is subtle is well established, at least hypothetically, another one churns out as a dominating trait. The practice of chasing the ever decaying, the ephemeral has come into fruition since time immemorial. Yet, there is sufficient knowledge about the fact that in the end, what remains is only a tinge of dissatisfaction.
Nevertheless, the chasing never ceases to halt, as nothing seems to satiate it. Material cravings brim up to the zenith, and so do the emotional longings. All roads lead towards the ephemeral. No deviation here, not by an inch. Just that the pathway, decorated with wondrous belongings are agile enough to egg on to go astray, and they do. Turning a deaf ear to its relevance in ones’ life, leave apart significance, probably due to the fact that the mortal is too occupied chasing the ephemeral, bearing a strange yet start resemblance to the horses’ blinders. However, the difference being that for horses, it’s to prevent the creature from the distractions of the world, while for the human race it’s acknowledging and coaxing to get more distracted…
‘Coming to think of it, a thought often arises, what’s causing ‘ephemeral’ to hold such vicious powers, and emerge out with an innate quality of exercising its subtle prowess? Probably, it's the human mind that allows it self to tbe so vulnerable, and susceptible to be exploited by the ever-powerful ephemeral… Possibly so.
Now is this merely restricted to prodigy? Or are the septuagenarians, octogenarians, and the centenarians, a part of the deal? Chances aren’t entirely slim, maybe. It's there, just there, right there. Yet, ignorance is possibly the best probable option to resemble that of a fugitive. It’s not derogatory entirely though, just that it’s too much caught up into chasing the ephemeral!
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