M for Motivation. M for Magic.
Just this morning while contemplating topics to write for today's blog, I was awestruck by this morn thought that quite eerily expressed its redundancy to talk about 'regularity'. In fact, I would've penned my blog on the same, had not my train of thought been disrupted my a phone call from a distant acquaintance, whose amiable behaviour gradually transcended to me addressing him as 'Dadu'.
To put simply, dadu isn't your average granddad. He holds a great penchant towards his deity, 'Sati Maa' - a form of the divine Goddess, whom I had encountered while filming a documentary from college, approximately 7 years back. The ever enthusiastic soul with a strong thirst for knowledge, I decided to delve deeper into the religious scriptures, that essentially mentioned about their deity, whom they dearly refer to as 'Bhaber Geet'. These scriptures consisted of devotional songs that encircled around the Lord, and their devotees' lives. Quite an agnostic, more often than not I'd refute all those beliefs.
One of the major reasons was probably because each devotee came with their giant set of demands, one that ranged from the need of a child to the childless, or fetching a job for the jobless. None had the yearning for the Lord, truly; infact, none even made the slightest effort to understand.
Except perhaps for Dadu. What intrigued me more towards him was his immense knowledge on religious scriptures, and the fact that he wore an armour of giving. No one ever heard him say no. He had no bank account. Nothing to support. Just his quest for the Holy, and an attitude of giving.
Last when I heard from him, I heard of his wife's sudden demise, that simply left me rattled, to come up with words to soothe his soul. I was dumbfounded. Yet his valiant attitude left me awestruck again. Before hanging up, he made me promise him that I'd call him for whatever I needed…
I felt helpless and ashamed, as during his rainy days, I should be the one, offering help! Yet, there he was, with his ever benevolent attitude, offering help…
As I began entangling myself with the hustle bustles of life, I gradually became oblivious of our bond. Until today, when I was pondering over writing a piece on how regularity, or being regular is detrimental, and acts as a double edged sword, there he was, sitting in one of the remotest corners of India, leaving me with two things that I needed the most.
Motivation and magic...
A little replica of which is blog...
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