A War Of Words… Where Does This End?
Quite apt, relevant and relatable, isn’t it? While history says and there are pretty robust proofs that as of now, there were groups that were being divided between the Leftists and the Rightists, where each side and political party would be blaming and criticizing the other regardless; be it over a sudden reform in educational policy, unemployment, sudden strikes, and the like.
Yet, to an utmost astonishment, COVID has brought in with itself a lot of miseries and a flinching platform and time for people to hurl verbal, rather virtual abuses at each other. The platform has also egged folks to wish for the death of an unborn child of a renowned actor, urged the perhaps most diplomatic people of all times to turn opinionated all of a sudden, so much so that trolling online, has been touted as cyberbullying.
Wait. There’s more. Amid all the ongoing crisis, and critical position, when one can just cling onto a ray of hope, there are controversies encircling around comments by politicians in the Parliament, that are being countered by a certain section of people, and then again the other section hurls personal attacks and abuses, only to be insulted all over again.
Point is, where does all of this end? All across there have been discussions at length, about the comments being made in the public domain by celebrities and politicians? Well, actually if things are being analysed properly, can we even make a mention of a few instances where during such unprecedented circumstances and unforeseen times, people have actually stepped ahead and recommended their friends, colleagues and acquaintances to job referrals?
Yes, there are. People have infact been helping others too. Yet, clearly this isn’t enough. Otherwise, a networking platform like LinkedIn wouldn’t be filled with posts every hour that states that people have lost their jobs due to COVID, and that they are the single earning member of the family, and that now their family is surviving with zero income. It has been 6, 7, and 8 months, and still, they haven’t found a ray of hope to cling onto.
For a common man, this scenario is likely to diminish the self-confidence, as most of it comes from the financial stability of a person, and also if he could provide for his family. Needless to say that all that the world needs now are words that’ll be strong enough to motivate people to keep going, and most importantly, help them strive to hang on till all of this gets over.
Also, this isn’t the time for engaging in a War of Words among two clans, believe me, there would be ample times for the same. If we cannot do away with it altogether, well, as of now, let’s at least try to postpone it.
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