Today’s Takeaway From Drg Drsya Viveka
So, today’s session marks the second last episode of the Drg Drsya Viveka classes. My heart feels heavy to learn that and even heavier to realise how far have I grasped this concept in reality. I’d get to that eventually. Maybe after tomorrow’s class.
As of now, I could try to recapitulate what I learnt in today’s class. Swamiji began today’s session by thanking the attendees, at the same time expressing that the classes are almost about to end. Now, if you do recall, I had previously mentioned that the concept of this text is talking about the seer and the seen.
Now, the major components of the text have been covered previously that talked of the concepts of the seer and the seen, knower and the known and primarily Brahman, which is none other than you. Swamiji mentioned that the main purpose and the philosophy of Vedanta boils down to just one concept - one that says, Tvatttamasi, or that thou art.
If I could be allowed to get a little personal here, I’d say that right now, as I begin fathoming myself from the constraints of this mind and body, I can somehow sense this void and guilt that says that a lot could be achieved in my life professionally. But, unlike other times, I can’t let that thought dominate my spirit, instead, I’d try to follow Swamiji’s instructions where he says that let your thought appear in the form of the consciousness that you are.
The third form of consciousness is the one that we experience in our dream state, one that Swamiji says is continuous and unreal…
So, here you go. We are almost covered for today’s class. Even though Swamiji had described a lot of detail, I had just put forward my views. And, as I do walk through the complexities of life, I do realise that nothing seems complicated anymore. Swamiji did make a mention of an immaculate intoxication, and now that I write this, I feel equally drawn towards this.
I don’t know how far this is true, but I’d like to believe that I do not belong to the rat race anymore, but on the process of striving to get myself purified into this divine wisdom, and perhaps promulgate it further.
All of which lies within me...
Image courtesy: Pixabay
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