The Show Must Go On

Hey there everyone, how are y’all holding up on the new start of this day? I have to say that I had been a little under the weather and trying really hard to attend to my duties. Coincidentally, my blog for today is going to be somewhat similar, it mentions “The Show Must Go On”.

Now, in out real lives, how many of us have heard this and I am sure that all of us must have read countless blogs on such topics and while I have to say that I am no expert, but definitely I must say that this is a philosophy that I’ve been following over the days and I have to say that somewhere down the line it has made me calmer, if not stronger. Before going any further, let me talk a little about myself here. 

Just last week I was telling my mother that the failures in my life have been hard, I mean of course failures are perhaps constructed to be hard, but mine felt harder perhaps because I have always made life choices that were hard, rather would have been hard for any Jack. And why did I do so? Probably because I didn’t want to be mediocre. Maybe I was done with leading a normal life, and doing what everyone else around me did. I still recall during the early ages of my career, I used to be awed with every publication abroad, and used to follow those journalists diligently thinking about what and how could I improve my professional life.

Time and again I found myself in a spot where I’d literally be cursing myself for having performed poorly at a particular thing - I’d think “How could I have been so casual in my line of work?” In my professional space I’d see people just relaxing and there were ones that were not at all bothered by how the office functioned, they were just concerned about their cheques, and to my utter astonishment I discovered that these were the set of guys that were never rebuked, the Management never questioned their moves either.

So, in my mind I always had this mental map chalked out that I am going to be working at a supreme place one day, maybe with the Western media and perhaps then I wouldn’t have to deal with any of such scenarios. It didn’t take me long to realise that all of this was far from true. We have to understand that the way of working here in India is vastly different from work in the US or in any of the developed nations. 

In my one year of working in Singapore I have realised that the quality of work is paramount there, and your lazy attitude isn’t going to work anymore. Of course, you’ll be given your time and they’ll not ask you for a hurried report, but when you do submit your report, you gotta make sure that it’s hundred percent perfect. And, call it a matter of luck or inexperience, I was in absolute soup when I found myself in that situation. I failed multiple times, had countless sleepless nights and often stumbled over my failures, but I had one thing in my mind - I had to continue doing what I was. 

And, then I started combating every challenge as an opportunity, rose, fell and then rose again. I began enjoying myself in the process and trust me with failure I tell myself that there is an opportunity to grow more and just march ahead. I wouldn’t lie, sure, there are obstacles, there are boulders lying in the way, but remember it’s a one way road - you have to make it at the end of the day. As they say, “No matter what, the show must go on.” 

Remember that, and also don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for all the good work that you’ve been doing over the days. After all, you are your own and best cheerleader.

Image courtesy of Unsplash


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