Tapping Into The Untapped
Hello, hello everyone! How is everything holding up? Well, as for me I am trying to bask in this spirit of optimism and also trying to churn out every possible bit of it. These days I have been doing a lot of reading on dreams, aspirations, and goals and achieving them. And in almost all of them those people who we look up to, and those who achieved something opined that one must always dream big and shouldn’t be averse to failure.
I’ll admit that all of this is a tad difficult to consume, I mean how on earth can you dream supremely high when your bank balance isn’t reflective of your status? The achievers and the successful people say that it is nobody else’s but our responsibility to believe whatever we dream can be achieved.
And that can be achieved by us! Yes, us. They add that no matter how much trouble, negativity, and apprehensions we face from the external world we gotta learn how to keep our heads held high, and just keep moving.
As most of you would know that as a person I have also placed my dreams and ambitions at a higher scale. Now, I wouldn’t exactly know the reason for that - just that I was done living the so-called mediocre average and petty life. I wanted to make this mind shift change and leave no stone unturned to achieve it.
Truth be told it is difficult, oh boy, don’t even ask. Leave apart expecting an ounce of sympathy from others, most people wouldn’t even understand what you are trying to convey. But, these successful people, my heroes say that thousands of people have done it in the past, and they have all been successful, and that means we shall be successful as well.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagwan Shree Krishna says the same thing to his disciple Arjuna as well. He says that beyond everything is that all-pervading Self, one which is the absolute, the most powerful, and the mighty. As in my case and I am sure in the cases of many realising such things might look to be difficult as of now, but I guess we all have to unleash our potential and just tap into our untapped spaces.
I have also made one more promise to myself - to not give up, no matter how difficult things might seem to be now. I know I will fail, and be hurt, but only to get myself stronger on my foot again and spring back to my real nature, to life.
I might just begin by tapping into the untapped Self.
Image courtesy: Pexels
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