Impossible To Fail
Hello there, my dear readers, how are y’all holding up? As I had requested y’all I am trying to keep up with the flow, exude positivity and keep going no matter what. I tried sharing this idea with a close friend of mine and she recommended this video where the speaker talks of a renowned Editor of a publication who banks on courage.
The Editor was a huge advocate of optimism and shared the view that we all literally become what we think about all the time. She added that when we have the liberty then we must use it to the fullest possible extent meaning if we can decide on our own thoughts, then it’s better that we plant positive ones.
As for me, given my situation, I have to reach a particular financial goal and am really working hard for that. Truth be told, I have not had much success there, in fact, I have seen so many rejections in the last year that I have completely lost count now. Of course, there are days when I feel like this is it, things cannot go on like this forever, and something has to change, but the next day things would just be back to square one.
It is no doubt very discouraging to keep encountering failures one after the other, but what choice do we have other than taking the necessary action required to reach our goals? The Editor said that we must always act knowing full well that it is impossible for us to fail. A strong thought there, isn’t it?
I have now decided that I have to act as though it is impossible for me to fail. Lord Krishna said something similar in the Bhagavad Gita where he said that one must know how to act without thinking or being worried about the results.
Well, in my case, I will admit that I have tried to be sensible, work towards my goals, and not leave any stone unturned to make it happen. I can say this with so much vigour as like the editor said that I know it’s impossible for us to fail.
The other day I was scrolling through a video and saw a father talking about his child where they were playing a game, and the father was winning every time, soon it was late and the father was sleepy, taking advantage of the situation the child grabbed the opportunity to beat his father and challenged him to another round, his father was amazed saying that he thought the game was over, when the child proudly said, “It’s not over until I win.”
See, that’s the attitude I am trying to have and will never ever back down from it, no matter what. I believe that all the hardships that I am falling, for now, are part of a larger process, and I believe that everything is going to be alright and that it is impossible to fail.
Image courtesy: Pexels
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