The Sun Shall Come Out Soon
Hello there folks! How are y’all holding up? I am trying to be fine and optimistic as I had promised everyone and also myself that I would take good care of myself. I have no shame in admitting that in our modern lifestyles, almost everyone has to battle stress no matter how powerful or rich that person is.
I am no exception to this law, every day, week, month and year following by gets stressful for me, it takes a toll on my health, both physical and mental, and the worst part is that oftentimes we do not find anyone worthwhile to share our anxieties with. They say that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and more often than not I feel it is just a hoax. But, logically speaking, let’s analyse and think about the other options we have. Seems like nothing, except for hoping and acting that everything will be alright soon.
There are times when I find myself tired of hustling when it feels like there is nothing else I have to look forward to, then I realise that I have my family to look after, and who is going to look after them apart from me? I have failed, dusted myself up over and over again, and failed yet again. Sometimes, I wonder if is there an end to any of this. Will my miseries ever come to an end?
Being the spiritual person that I am, I cannot be in a place to complain, in fact, our ancient scriptures say that no matter how good or bad a situation is we must always know that it will pass. Perhaps this is the only option that I have in front of me, the belief that all of this is happening for a reason, and that there will be a time when the storm shall pass, and the sun shall shine forth.
On one of these days, I came across a beautiful video that advocated this thought as well. The video showed a person enjoying his time in the sun, perhaps with a little more enthusiasm as the city in which he lived was hit by a storm and they didn’t see the sun shining for three days, and then finally when the sun was out he shot the video to tell us that no matter how much hard the times are the sun shall always rise.
It is this thought among many others that I am clinging onto and amid rising hopes in my mind and it has led me to believe in myself, and on those days it feels like a task I realise that I have learnt faking it. And now, it is my promise that I will keep believing in myself, turn things around and never ever let this thought come near me that I am not capable of great things because I am and I will.
I have realised that the sun will come out soon, things cannot stay the same forever, till then we just have to hold tight and keep believing.
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