This Misery I am Suffering Is My Own Doing…
Hello to one and all, this is a beautiful afternoon here, and it feels great to be writing this blog as I have finally beaten procrastination and decided that I will complete writing this blog today, and here I am right in front of my computer sharing my life stories with you.
As the headline implies, this blog is going to be about one hundred per cent accountability to our own selves, meaning if there is misery in our lives it’s high time that we take a step forward and say that all that is happening in our lives is totally happening because of us or a few decisions that we had taken early on.
Facing an economic, social or psychological problem? Well, guess what, no one is to blame but you! These aren’t my statements but Swami Vivekanandas and he was very candid about it. Wait, there’s more to it. He said, “This misery that I am suffering is of my own doing, and that very thing proves that it will have to be undone by me alone. That which I created, I can demolish… Therefore stand up, be bold, be strong, Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your destiny. All the strength and success you want is within yourself.”
I have to admit here that it is these sayings by these great saints that have helped me uphold my honour, they have helped me to walk ahead in life, and most importantly they inspire me to keep walking every day no matter what the circumstances are. Just a few while back when I was talking about the misery and I couldn’t help but look back deep inside my heart and recall all those instances where I and my family suffered terribly due to some poor decisions.
Sure, it is important to take risks but it is also important to understand the downsides of everything. If you are buying a house, you have to think in your mind that at some point you will be left with no money but you still have to pay for the house and run your family! And as Swamiji says that no one other than you can fix your problems. I keep saying these things to myself as well and acknowledge all those times when I had made bad decisions. But, now what, am I going to spend the rest of my time just wailing and whining?
Is that going to help at all? Is anybody going to come to my rescue? No, no one is there to help but ourselves. We must listen to what Swamiji had to say when he said that all the power lies inside of us and it is us and us only who have to make things work. Since we have done things that we perhaps should not have done, it is we who can get us out of the pit that we have been inside.
Continuing what Swamiji had to say I’d like to emphasise that the time has now come to be bold, and strong and take up the whole responsibility on our shoulders, and sooner or later we’ll get there. After all, we are the children of Swami Vivekananda and therefore have muscles of iron and nerves of steel.
Image courtesy: Pexels
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