Aiming For The Moon
Hey there, my dear readers, how are y'all holding up? It’s a rain-soaked morning out here and I feel delighted to write this blog. As most of y’all would know these days I have been focusing on success and have been studying successful people to get to my goal faster. One such person, a footballer said that if you want to reach the peak, then no matter how you are feeling or whatever your state of mind, you have to train your mind to wake you up everyday and get to work.
He continued saying that this would be no easy feat, most days you will feel like crying and you will eventually, but you have to get up and get to work. He added that all of this is applicable if as a person you want to be successful. If you want to remain normal, then you can continue being the way you are, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but if you want to reach the heights then you have to train your mind to be consistent and keep going no matter what.
I’d take this opportunity to talk a little about myself out here. All throughout my life, including when I was a student, I had not found solace in unnecessary chitchatting, partying, or chilling, instead I’d find my mental peace in the library where I’d just put in the head in the books. And, after so many years I can say nothing has shaped me better than these books.
They taught me to see beyond the existent and create a new reality for myself. A reality where everything seemed abnormal and unthinkable. Perhaps gradually in the process, I got to learn about aiming for the highest, as high as the sky and the moon.
You know the most successful people that I had to opportunity to interact with had this immense faith in themselves and believed in the power of the big. They cared deeply about their purpose, regardless of the pebbles on the way or the number of failures they encountered. They all aimed for the moon. They say that if you do not aim for the moon you will not even reach the 10th floor of the building.
I can vouch for the fact that the same applies to spirituality as well, where people who come with the aim of attaining salvation or being spiritually awakened do not achieve it in one go, rather they have to keep trying, trying, and trying. But, they are quite crystal clear in their heads that they need to fulfill their spiritual needs.
I have vowed to myself to think out of the horizon, absolutely out of the box and land opportunities that no one thought of, or if there aren’t any abundant ones, then even give birth to new opportunities.
I am proud of dreaming this way and am quite sure things will pan out just as fine, or even better. Till then, I will continue to believe in myself, hustling and building my own table if I am not offered a seat at one.
Image courtesy: Pexels
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