Seeking Consistency Over Perfection

Hey hey people, what’s happening with y’all, and how is everyone? I am back again with one more blog and I guess most of y’all must have already noticed. What? C’mon now! Okay, I’ll divulge that it’s me talking about consistency, a practice that I swear by, and a practice that has led me to write at least two blogs a week, no matter what my roster says. 

The process ain’t easy, as most of you would know and perhaps will testify also, but you gotta do what you gotta do. And this is sans what your current situation or mood is. When I started out writing blogs I would get really finicky about what I should write, and sometimes I would be so engrossed in the process that I’d end up not publishing. 

And, this continued for a very long time, making me feel worse everyday. When things reached the saturation point I realised that enough is enough. I should stick to the habit of publishing weekly, no matter what the product is. Of course, I’d make sure that whatever I was churning out was factually and grammatically correct, and publish it. Believe me, I’d feel much more peaceful and confident rather than not publishing my piece cribbing over perfection. 

I’d try and do the same thing for my other priorities as well, like working out. I make it a habit to work out on the weekdays no matter how miserable I am feeling or how sick I am. Something similar happened to me today as well. I woke up a little warm and was kinda feverish and believe me at that point I would do literally anything to not work out, but I did anyway and I am feeling much fitter. 

Let me share another anecdote. When I first stepped into the world of spirituality I was entirely oblivious to the daily rituals of japa and meditation and for days would see no results, leading to internal chaos. But, my mentor asked me to hold on and promised that there would be better days ahead, and really there were. This proves that consistency wins again. 

Talking about my daily life too, there are times when I feel like this is it and I cannot keep going any further, but try to hold on, and see what the future upholds. Truth be told, I have seen that things get better indeed, additionally, you get strengthened from within. They say that you do not need to do great things one day and then the other days just forget about it. 

What you need to do instead is try to walk baby steps and get better with each passing day. And, all of this happens with consistency. Perfection is essential of course, but not to a nauseating degree, that would perhaps hold true for consistency. 

So, as of now, I would strive to up my game and I would definitely bank on consistency more than I have ever banked on perfection. That said, I would love to know your thoughts as well with regard to how you’ve been consistent in your life and how that has helped you. 

More when we meet!

Image courtesy: Pexels


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