I Am My Own Sunshine
Hey there my beautiful readers, how are y’all holding up? It’s a wonderful morning out here, and I am so pleased to be writing to all of you today. Now, before I can begin with my blog let me first apologise to all of you, for not having written for the last two weeks. Some of the reasons for that are bad health and shifting houses.
Yes, I know that nothing should have come between passion, but sometimes life doesn’t leave you with much of a choice, does it? It doesn’t, but that’s no reason to digress, we all must be deeply committed to our passions, and our inner dreams. Perhaps it is this part of the passion which has invoked the writing spree within me, and here I am at it once again.
So, yeah getting back to the matters at hand. Sunshine and morning, we love both, don’t we? Now that we are talking about it, tell me the number of times we have looked up to other people, craved some validation and called them our sunshine?
I am sure that would be plenty. But, have we ever stopped, congratulated ourselves, patted ourselves on the back and said that we deserve to be our sunshine as well, we have earned it?
Not sure how many of you would agree but believe me in this fast-paced world, where every teeny tiny thing is extremely competitive, we gotta find a place for ourselves. The other day I heard a motivational speaker say that the world is constructed in such a way that it will always try to pull you down, ridicule you and try deserting you at every interval. But, it is you who has to get up from the ground, dust yourself off, and set off for the battlefield again.
She concluded by saying that after all the hassle and trauma, when we finally stand up and look into the mirror we better like what we see. That really hit me hard, and I began wondering really when was the last time that I looked into the mirror and smiled and congratulated myself, instead of just fretting about how wrinkled my face was, or how my hairline was thinning?
On a different note, in spirituality also you are asked to connect with your real, inner self and not deviate from there. Perhaps we can all begin by counting and relying on ourselves for a change. By saying and continuously repeating to ourselves that there isn’t anything in this universe that we can’t handle, and also assuring, actually reassuring ourselves that no matter what, the sun will rise, and we will be our own sunshine everytime. Every single time.
Image courtesy: Unsplash
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