Shades of my Companion!

It’s been a long, dreary day. I write this piece sitting on my desk, and between my next article submission. Udayan has been my traveling mate since the last week. A hard core communist and staunch supporter of Mao, he makes an amazing company.

Quite oblivious to the glams of the world, he immerses himself in trying to better it in every possible way. Often pacing towards the remotest of places, travelling to villages devoid of electricity, he somehow dedicates his life to the needy.

There are times when I want to confront him about his contribution to the world. What difference would his thought for fellow comrades really make? He seems to dismiss all my allegations with that fragile smile of his. He is somehow very confident that things would soon be back to pace and normalcy.

A promising student, a spectacular orator, a brilliant performer, yet far away from the attachments of the world. A masters in Physics, but doesn’t want to commercialize his qualifications. His reactions are just mere scoffs, ‘It doesn’t matter. It just doesn’t’.

'What matters then? Don't you want to make a living out of your highly intellectual mind?' 'I would rest only when my fellow countrymen carve out a decent way of living' came the prompt reply...

And here I am yet to decipher on his thinking, yet to understand his gigantic thoughts, or his mind that cares so much about the unheard.


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